Featured Knit: Four Seasons Hat in Winter
Yarn: TFA Blue Label in various colourways.
Did you know that I painted our front door this bright blue? Well, I did, and it's the best thing that has ever happened to the exterior of our house. Well, this door and the awesome Christmas lights I put up last weekend. Confession: I'm super festive. There is nothing I like more than this time of year when it's finally appropriate and acceptable to make your home all sparkly and shiny. Our house has a flat roof over the garage and I happen to think that it is a massive crime against Christmas that we don't install some sort of spectacular reindeer display on top of it. It is basically the only redeeming quality of a flat roof, we are totally wasting this great opportunity.
Anyhoo. So I strung up the Christmas lights and I dressed all colourful and comfy to do it.
Fun facts about this outfit:
~ I bought those jeans when I was pregnant from this great maternity shop. They are Mavi jeans and the shop had removed the waistband and sewn an elastic waistband in it's place. After Rowan was born I brought them back and they sewed the regular waistband back on. They are stretchy and extremely comfortable and make me feel awesome for not spending a ton of money on maternity jeans.
~ That plaid shirt is Ralph Lauren size 12 year old boys. I bought the same one for my 6 year old nephew last year. It is incredibly soft and it fit me for almost all of my pregnancy. Who knew 12 year old boys were built that way!?
~ I have owned that badass jean vest since high school. Truth be told, it doesn't get pulled out of the closet every day, but when it does it makes an impression. People love it. Maybe because they think I'm joking? It's a cropped jean vest. 'Nuff said. I think the last time I wore it out in public I was going out for my sister's birthday and I wore it as a gift to her to give her something to tease me about. I'm pretty sure she's just jealous. :)
The winter Four Seasons Hat is the one that I get the most use out of. Somehow this palette seems to go with everything.