I was about to begin this blog post with the statement: "I love flowers" but that seems silly, of course I love flowers, who doesn't!? I've never considered myself much of a green thumb, I always start off the summer gardening season with lots of enthusiasm but then it fades and by August I have an overgrown mess of a garden. This year will be different! I'm totally committed to keeping up with my flowers. I'll report back in August and let you know how it's going. :)

Pretty purple pansies in a turquoise urn outside the studio. Love those happy pansy faces.

Last year Chris and I moved the rock wall that lines the raised portion of our front garden out about 2 feet so we would have more room for plants in front of the shrubs that run the front of our house. We transplanted a few hardy specimens (hosta and stonecrop are always reliable) and then planted a row of flox on the edge of the rock wall. Last year they were pretty, but still small. This year they are bursting! Cascading over the rock wall and looking so lush and lovely. I think that it's the fact flox bloom early in the season that make them one of my favourite flowers. Early blooms are always so exciting!