Monday, 14 October 2013


Chris and Rowan spend a lot of time outside together. Rowan loves the fresh air and instantly goes from fussy baby to happy camper when he makes the transition from cooped up inside to hanging out on the back deck. Yesterday morning, as usual, Chris laid down on the bench on our back deck and hung out with Rowan. Like any 6 month old, Rowan doesn't usually just lay still and calm, he's all about wiggling and squirming and looking around. But yesterday he just lay there on Chris for a minute, cheek to cheek. It lasted long enough for me to grab the camera and take a photo. They both even looked right at me and my poor little heart almost couldn't take it. Those two are the loves of my life and seeing them so in love with each other makes me melt. I'm a puddle.

I have so much to be thankful for, and I swear, I really do remember that every single day, not just today. Though it is nice to have an entire day to be reminded of all the blessing in your life and take a moment to be happy and grateful.

I'm thankful for my health, my yarn, my dog and most of all for my boys.