Saturday, 17 April 2010

sneak peek

I've got a brand new yarn that I'll be debuting at the Frolic, it's a wonderful, soft, squishy, velvety merino/cashmere/nylon blend sock yarn. I know that I'm not the first hand dyer to fall in love with this blend, and I certainly won't be the last, because this stuff is very lovable.

I've also got a few new colours that I will be introducing at the Frolic. Five new colours that I love and that I hope you will too. When I started dreaming up my collection of colours I was very concerned with making sure that I had all my bases covered. I wanted to represent every colour in the rainbow. Now that I think I've got at least one thing for every taste, I can start building on with colourways that don't simply fill a gap on the colour wheel, but rather add a dynamic punch and think out side the box. Here is a sneak peak of a new colour that I am working up into a sample for my booth at this year's Frolic.

This colour is called Velvet.

Using my new cashmere blend yarn I am knitting the Travelling Woman shawl. I wanted something simple and quick that I wouldn't lose my mind knitting on a deadline. I also wanted to pick a free pattern. When I knit samples for my booth I like to use patterns that are either sold by me and are available in my booth, or are free and easy to find. I want people to be able to see a sample that they like and not have to track down an illusive and hard to find issue of an out of print magazine to be able to knit it themselves. So, the Travelling Woman shawl fit the bill perfectly!

I am very happy with how this new colourway is working up. It's rich and dark and very wearable. Knitting with this yarn is like getting a manicure. It leaves my hands feeling like I spent all afternoon moisturizing. Its the cashmere, it's just so lovable!