When I get an idea in my head I sometimes have a tendency to get a little bit obsessed with it and perhaps go a tad overboard... I think that I may be overdoing it with my newfound obsession with multicoloured rovings. Some call it stash enhancement, but I prefer to call it research and development. Now that I have my own hand dyeing business the only way that I justify purchasing large amounts of other peoples hand-dyes* is to say that it's all in the interest of growth! So, because I'm so reasonable and business minded and market research is a big part of running a successful business, I've acquired about 2 pounds of multicoloured fluffy roving courtesy of Blue Moon Fiber Arts, because if you want to know a thing or two about multi's, BMFA is one of the first places to look.
Crabby McCrabbypants, Chapman Springs and Fire on the Mountain.

I think that I'm going to branch out and try to spin a 3 ply out of Crabby McCrabbypants. I've already got it all bundled up into three almost even balls to work from.

*I feel like I should add that just because I make my own yarn, doesn't in any way diminish the pleasure that I get from other peoples hand-dyes, I have tons of great hand-dyed yarns in my stash! Since I've started my own company and started blogging people have asked me why I blog about projects that I knit with other company's yarns and why I don't focus all of my attention on my own yarns... and well, that would just be boring! Before I was a hand-dyer, I was a knitter. I still am a knitter and I plan on continuing to knit with as many yarns in as many colours as I can for as long as I can knit! And though this blog does talk about TFA happenings and updates, it's not just my company blog, it's my personal knitting/crafting journal, so I'll blog about whatever I'm playing with at any given moment, be it dyed by me or not. Sure I knit with my own stuff a lot, because I happen to really like it, but I'll never limit myself when it comes to knitting and choosing yarns. There's my two cents about that!