There was already a brief mention of my new Snowfling Mitten pattern in my last post, but I can't very well work for months on a new pattern that I developed into 4 colourways for kits and then just leave it at one tiny little blog mention. No way. These mitts and the accompanying kits deserve their own post! So, here it is!

The Snowfling Mitten pattern came to me completely out of nowhere. I was minding my own business back in November when I suddenly had the urge to knit myself a pair of mitts. This kind of urge occurs frequently, the difference this time is that when the urge struck, I was conveniently hit with the perfect idea for the look of the mitts too. These two things don't always happen at once, I was lucky. I sat down at my computer and started charting out pretty snowflakes, then I made up a mitten template, scattered the snowflakes around and that was that! By that very evening I was knitting away happily on my first pair of Snowfling Mitts. It all came together like it was meant to be!
From there, of course, came the tweaking. The official pattern drafting and test knitting and then finally the release of the pattern!
So, what makes these mitts so awesome? Well, I happen to think that they are really very pretty, which is always nice in an accessory. But the real star? That pop of colour lining. I just can't get enough of the bright, cheery, cashmere surprise inside these mitts. The cashmere lining is exceptionally soft, warm, beautiful and practical.
Picking colour combo's to develop into kits was extremely easy and very difficult at the same time. The truth is, the colour possibilities are endless! Any of my lighter colourways (Natural, Sand, Chris Grey) would look great paired with just about any of my other bolder shades. I opted to stick with a classic palette for these kits, a bold background colour with a light snowflake colour and then a bright lining, but you could definitely mix things up and do the reverse, or do a bright snowflake on a dark background (maybe Pink Grapefruit on a Charcoal background!) The sky's the limit!
I had to share this little collage of photos from our photo shoot last weekend. We had a ton of snow so I was trying to use it creatively in our photos. All was going well until about 2 minutes into the shoot when I decided to throw the snow into the air and all over myself. The action shot was neat, but the resulting photos of me with white dust all over my curly hair and big belly made me look like I was playing a witch in a high school play... Not the look I was going for. Photo shoot - over.