Monday, 7 November 2011

Happy Birthday Stella!


Today my little puppy Stella turns 4 years old. She'll spend today doing what she does most days; sleeping in bed until noon or so, then lazily making the move from our bed upstairs to her dog bed in my office. She'll stir around in her dog bed until I tuck her in under her blanket. Oh Stella, she's peculiar, but she's all ours! Happy birthday girl!

Last week I came down with a terrible cold. I was knocked off of my feet for days. After lots of rest and several bowls of delicious homemade soup I finally started to feel better yesterday. I barely knit at all when I was sick. But yesterday I finished a pair of socks and a hat. It felt very good to have accomplished something after such a slow week.

zigzag hat

The hat is my own pattern. I've actually knit 2 in this pattern already, one slouchy and one beenie. Pattern and more photo's to come!