The past couple of weeks have been pretty chaotic to say the least. I attended two beautiful weddings for two fabulous couples, one in Canmore, AB and one in Hamilton, Ont. The first was in Canmore where my cousin Sean married his long time love Heather. Check out their
photographers blog to see a couple amazing shots of their wedding day, it started off as a beautiful Fall day, and by afternoon was a winter wonderland! Abby wore her lovely
flower girl sweater and looked perfect in it. Of course I don't have a good photo of her in it. It snowed the day of the wedding, my hands were too cold to fumble with the camera, but my mom sent me this cute shot of Abby and I before the ceremony. She is wearing her sweater, you just can't see it very well.

When we got back from Canmore I had a couple of days to get myself organized and then promptly headed off to Hamilton for
Jenna's wedding to her man Jeff. Somewhere between Canmore and Hamilton I came down with a really bad cold! The day before the wedding I had absolutely no voice, I could barely even whisper. I spent every afternoon of my week there napping, I went through boxes of Kleenex... it was not fun. I'm almost over it now I think, but as I type I'm still sniffling. Despite my sore throat, cough and runny nose I still made it Jenna's wedding and though I wasn't able to dance like I had the previous week, it was still nice just to have been a part of it.
In the above photo it sort of looks like Chris and I are being cute, but in reality my eyes were red, my nose was raw, I could barely speak and Chris was holding me up. My shawl looks great though right!?
Feeling a little bit better by Monday my gracious host and nurse for the week,
Sara, treated Chris and I to a day trip to Niagara Falls. It was my first time seeing the Falls and they were amazing. I think that the fresh air did me a lot of good too, I started feeling better on the drive home.
Somewhere in between all the traveling and the weddings I managed to get a bit of knitting done. I finished my first pair of
Leyburns on the plane to Calgary, and then in the couple days I was home before heading back on the road to Hamilton I knit Stella her new Fall sweater.

It fits her like a glove, it's her best sweater yet by far!
Now I'm back home and have no plans on leaving again for a while. I'm looking forward to getting back into my work routine. Fall is in full swing here in Montreal and my cold has finally given up so I feel a new urge to cast on for wooly Fall projects. Maybe a new hat to start Fall's hat wearing season in style!